Do you want to find out the extent of the crop damage?znal
Do you adjuster or agro expert or farmer?
We will provide you precise calculation of crop damage area according to the plant lodging degree,
already for 1 € / hectare.

 Picture 1 - calculation of the extent of crops damage.

What benefits will this method deliver?

  • Precise assessment of insurance claims in agriculture
  • Precise calculation of crop damage area according to the plant lodging degree
  • For various classification of lodging crops
  • No need for the the physical presence of an insurance company representative at a damaged field
  • Accurate documentation of damage for the insurance company, agro experts, farmes
  • If necessary, detailed aerial capturing of damaged crops and data processing with authorized assessment

If you have your own captured data from damaged crops, we will provide you licence, i. procedure for accurate calculation of the damaged area according to the plant lodging degree. 

If you have any data from damaged crops, we will provide you: 

  • aerial capturing of damaged crops by UAV / drones 
  • data processing with data analyzing
  • authorized assessment

In case of your interest, please contact us by email:


Picture 2 - Maps - damage area accordint to the plant lodging degree

if you also need to find out what condition your agricultural crops are in during the growing season
or do you decide in which places to fertilize or irrigate more or less?
We offer you a solution - the analytical and interpretation tool AGRO Inspector.  
More information about this tool you can find on the specialized website:


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